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AmebaGone advances to Phase 2 of the Wisconsin Governor's Business Plan Contest
AmebaGone has advanced to the second round in a business plan competition aimed at encouraging entrepreneurs in the startup stage of tech-based businesses in Wisconsin. AmebaGone's plan outlines their efforts to bring a treatment for Potato soft rot to market, saving farmers and consumers by preventing millions of dollars of lost product.
AmebaGone awarded NIH Phase II SBIR grant to further Bacterial Keratitis treatment research
Bacterial Keratitis (BK) is an infection of the cornea that if left untreated can cause blindness. AmebaGone Inc. has received NIH funding to develop a prototype biotherapeutic for BK using microorganisms that naturally prey on bacteria, even those enmeshed in biofilms, which antibiotics cannot kill. This novel approach has far reaching implications to treat many more infectious diseases providing an alternative to conventional antibiotics.
This grant, supported by the National Eye Institute (NIH) and executed in collaboration between AmebaGone and Professor Curtis Brandt's laboratory in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Ophtalmology department, funds two years of study on the safety and efficacy of treatments for BK caused by several bacterial species.
Amebagone Inc. Selected to Present at the 2017 Ag Innovation Showcase (Sept 11-13) in St. Louis, MO
Amebagone Inc. has been selected by a panel of judges from LARTA to present at the 2017 Ag Innovation Showcase (AIS) at the Danforth Center in St. Louis, MO. According to Clair Kinlaw, Phd, MBA, "This year’s applicant pool was our strongest to date" ... (Amebagone has "received one of only 22 presenting slots from over 60 very qualified applicants, reviewed by a Selection Committee comprised of industry leaders, investors and thought leaders, so it is an honor of which the firm should be proud!"
About the Showcase: The Ag Innovation Showcase is the gold standard for community events in the sector. Since 2009 it has presented high-impact innovations from around the world, stimulating discussions about the future of Ag, and great opportunities for effective networking. The Showcase has expanded its footprint to include the annual host event in St. Louis, the new event in Davis, and other satellite meetings. This family of events will continue to be regarded as the “go to” gatherings for Ag innovation.
Amebagone Inc. Selected as Semi-Finalist in the 2017 Cleantech Open Midwest
The Midwest Region of the Cleantech Open is very pleased to announce our 25 semi-finalists for the 2017 Cleantech Open-Midwest accelerator! Selected from a pool of over 120 candidates the 2017 teams hail from 10 of the 13 Cleantech Open-Midwest states including Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, North Dakota, Iowa, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. And significantly 20% of the business teams are led by student CEO’s and 25% of the teams are led by female CEO’s.
"The 2017 semi-finalists are outstanding with high quality companies in diverse technologies, industry sectors, and stage of business." said Sue Marshall, Chair of Judging for the Cleantech Open-Midwest. Marshall adds, "We anticipate tremendous growth in these businesses as they participate in a three-day entrepreneurship academy in Boston or Silicon Valley, work with their carefully chosen mentors, attend our business clinic in Minneapolis and proceed through final judging during our Innovation Summit.”
“It's clear to me that the Cleantech Open-Midwest is moving companies with globally important missions to make larger impacts on the world," said Ian Rodricks, Recruiting Chair of the Cleantech Open-Midwest. Rodricks adds, “Each Cleantech Open business team is focused on building their clean technology business idea into a clean technology employer. “
On behalf of the Cleantech Open-Midwest Board of Advisors congratulations to the 2017 Cleantech Open-Midwest Semi-finalists!
For more information please visit the Cleantech Open-Midwest website. Other questions, please contact Steve Webster, Executive Director, at swebster@cleantechopen.org
Amebagone Inc. Renews and Increases Qualified New Business Venture Certification from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Amebagone Inc. is eligible for tax credits for Wisconsin investors of up to $500,000 for investments made prior to April 2018 through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC) Qualified New Business Venture (QNBV) program.
AmebaGone Inc. develops natural biocides, disinfectants and other treatments against bacterial pathogens that otherwise result in economic loss in agriculture and potentially loss of life. Our natural “predator” organisms consume dead or dormant bacteria and bacteria enmeshed in biofilms, thereby helping thwart proliferation of antibacterial resistance.
WEDC’s QNBV program provides a 25% tax credit on investments in qualified early-stage businesses by eligible angel and venture fund investors. “We are pleased that the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation saw fit to renew and increase our tax credits available to investors”, said Cheryl Vickroy, President and CEO of Amebagone. “We continue to make strong progress towards commercializing multiple products to treat agricultural bacterial pathogens causing loss of crops in Wisconsin and throughout the nation, including products aimed at cash crops crucial to the Wisconsin economy such as potatoes.” The certification term extends through March 31, 2018.
According to Aaron Hagar (WEDC’s Vice President of Entrepreneurship and Innovation), the primary purpose of the QNBV Program is to foster the development of new, innovative companies, such as Amebagone, thereby creating opportunities for long-term growth and new job creation. In its 10-year history, the WEDC QNBV Program benefitted over 300 companies in their efforts to attract funding, grow and bring their innovative ideas to market.
About the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) leads economic development efforts for the state by advancing Wisconsin’s business climate. Together with more than 600 regional and local business development partners, it represents a highly responsive and coordinated network. Visit InWisconsin.com
Study finds amoeba “grazing”, killing bacteria usually protected by film
AmebaGone is featured in an article on the WARF website! Dr. Marcin Filutowicz and his graduate student Dean Sanders at the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently published a paper in the Journal Protist showing the amazing phagocytic ability of amoebae, including the ability to feed on biofilms.
Read article
Amebagone Receives SBIR Advance Award to match Phase II National Science Foundation Grant Award to Develop Treatments for Biological Pathogens of Pome Fruits and Vegetable Crops
Amebagone Inc. was awarded a matching state grant for $75K by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp, administered by the Center for Technology Commercialization. This award is associated with a Phase II National Science Foundation Grant Award to Develop Treatments for Biological Pathogens of Pome Fruits and Vegetable Crop. It will help pay for new patent filings associated with the work, for travel to partner sites, and for assistance with developing a plan to register products with the EPA.
Cheryl Vickroy, President and CEO, gratefully accepted the award. "Without the SBIR Advance State SBIR Match, we'd be unable to afford these activities that cannot be funded by the federal agency, but that are crucial for us to successfully commercialize our work.", said Vickroy.
Amebagone Inc. Receives Certification as a Qualified New Business Venture from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Amebagone Inc. is eligible for tax credits for Wisconsin investors in the amount of $187,500 for investments made prior to April 2017 through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC) Qualified New Business Venture (QNBV) program.
AmebaGone Inc. develops natural biocides, disinfectants and other treatments against bacterial pathogens resulting in economic loss in agriculture and potentially loss of life. Our natural predator organisms consume dead or dormant bacteria and bacteria enmeshed in biofilms, thereby helping thwart proliferation of antibacterial resistance.
WEDC’s QNBV program provides a 25% tax credit on investments in qualified early-stage businesses by eligible angel and venture fund investors. “This is an important milestone in the growth of Amebagone.”, says Cheryl Vickroy, President of Amebagone. “Our plans are to commercialize multiple sanitizers and disinfectants against agricultural bacterial pathogens causing loss of crops in Wisconsin and throughout the nation, including products aimed at cash crops crucial to the Wisconsin economy such as potatoes.” The certification term extends through March 31, 2017.
According to Aaron Hagar (WEDC’s vice president of entrepreneurship and innovation), the primary purpose of the QNBV Program is to foster the development of new, innovative companies, such as Amebagone, thereby creating opportunities for long-term growth and new job creation. In its 10-year history, the WEDC QNBV Program benefitted over 300 companies in their efforts to attract funding, grow and bring their innovative ideas to market.
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